Sunday, June 23, 2013

Paleo Fail

Well.... This weekend was jammed packed with events, fun, little sleep and a finished with a migraine. I really tried hard Friday to not cheat but after the long day of setting up in the sun and then working the event (The Taste of Loomis) I finally broke down and ate a delicious gourmet cupcake. I have to say... While it was delicious and I didn't have any issue devouring it... The guilt sucked.
I tried to get my act together Saturday and did pretty well but after two long days I woke up Sunday with a killer headache. After sleeping away half the day I woke up hungry and succumbed to a pizza. Ok, this oven baked pizza was not even that good so now I feel really bad.

Time to re-group and get my sh!t together. I've spent the last few hours looking up local CSA's (community supported agriculture) and meat clubs. I don't need a ton of veggies and fruits since my garden is growing like wild fire (post to follow with  pics) and my chickens are providing our eggs (oh wow... Just realized how farmer-ish I just sounded.... And to think... I lived in NYC at one point) but I would like some grass fed beef and chicken.
During the last hour I learned two pretty interesting things: 1) that even grass fed cows an be grain-finished. Many ranchers/farmers will finish feeding their cattle with grain in order to ‘fatten’ them up prior to processing. Now I'm emailing local places to find out if they are grain or grass finished. I'll keep you posted. And.... 2) "If you eat a typical amount of beef per year," Robinson points out in Pasture Perfect, a book about the benefits of pasture-raised animals, "which in the United States is about 67 pounds, switching to grass-fed beef will save you 16,642 calories a year." 

Ohhhhmmmmmgggg! Wow. I'll be looking into buying a 1/2 or 1/4 cow to keep in the freezer now. That is just crazy. 

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